Title: Supercharge V6
Title: Adrenaline Engine
Title: CrossBreeder
Title: S1_Optimize / 3G speed boost
Title: Turbo
Title: Bravia engine
Title: RTMixManager™
Title: Pure Graphics HD
Title: Pure Performance X (Golden)
Title: Pure Performance X (ZENO)
Title: Pure Audio Engine
Title: SlaidyBoost-V2.3
Title: [Script | Tweaks]【 Liquid Performance™】
Title: Mediatek tweaks(experimental)
Title: [Tweaks] All in one tweaks build.prop,init.d,Wifi,Xloud,Bravia,A-Gps,A/V Sync,Modules
ReplyDeleteNice blog Great Information.
Post announcement of much awaited spectrum-sharing policy, Videocon Telecom plans to pool spectrum with other operators to provide 4G LTE services.