Sunday, 17 November 2013

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how to get Back IMEI NO. IN XOLO

Follow following steps to get back imei no.

1. First you hav to Root your phone

2. Download "mtk engineering mod" from play store.

3. Open connectivity.. ( swipe left )

4. Cds information > radio information > phone 2 .

5.Type >>>AT+EGMR=1,7,"Ur imei no. Written on the back side of your phone"<<< . 

6. Tap on send at command.

7. Quit app .

8.reeboot phone

9. try to make a call... If not working change sim slot to another slot.

OR another method

Restore your IMEI 1 and IMEI 2 (No Signal Fix)(Invalid IMEI)

1. Open engineer mode (EngineerMode)

2. Swipe from right to left once.

3. In Connectivity Tab Press CDS Information

4. Press Radio Information

5. In Phone Information tab and Press Phone 2 and
type/add EMGR=1,10,"(YOUR IMEI 2 HERE)" and press SEND AT COMMAND.

6. Reboot

7. REPEAT Step 1-4

8. In Phone Information tab Enter Phone 1 and
type/add EMGR=1,7,"(YOUR IMEI 1 HERE)" and press SEND AT COMMAND.

9. Reboot

10. To check if you have a valid IMEI  dial *#06#

Follow the instructions carefully.
Your IMEI 1 and IMEI 2 are indicated on the back of battery case.

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  1. thks broo a ton i works lke a charm...:)

  2. At command isn't getting submitted.... It won't work...

  3. command sending failed pleas help.......

  4. thanks for ur information. it's working fine for me

    1. command sending failed pleas help.......

  5. thanks a lot it worked for me ...

  6. Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks Loads of Thanks to worked excellent for me. Now I am able to see my sim signals.

    Will be gratefull to you.

  7. not working dont waste u r time ...any other solution pls tell me

  8. Send at command .. says failed to send at command


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