Blogger lacks in many features.The main draw back is the limited features it provides.The comment system is no exception to it.Threaded comments was a addition to the latest blogger comments making it a bit better than it was previously.Threaded comments also allows developers like me to freely customize it due it's open coding system.Previously I shared a method of Thanking Your Visitors for their Comments , after it went viral in almost all blogs , here is another superb trick of adding a non - facebook like button to your blogger threaded comments.So let's begin
- Go to blogger
- Navigate to Template > Edit Html > Proceed
- Tick mark Expand Widgets
- Search for
var items = <data:post.commentJso/>
- Above that line you will see this particular line
(function() {
- No replace (function() { with this code
var items_copy=[];
(function() {
- Again search for this code : var items = <data:post.commentJso/>
- Replace it with
var items = <data:post.commentJso/>;
You can skip the above steps if you have already followed the steps from : Thank Your Visitors For Commenting.If so continue with the steps given below
- Add the following code to after<data:post.commentHtml/> tag in your template.
<script type='text/javascript'>
var likeurl='<data:blog.url/>';
for(i=0;i<items_copy.length;i++){a=document.getElementById('c'+items_copy[i].id);gl="'"+items_copy[i].id+"'";b=a.innerHTML+'<div class="like-cm" onmousemove="likecom('+gl+')"><div id="like-cm'+items_copy[i].id+'"></div></div>';a.innerHTML=b}function likecom(i){var a=document.getElementById('like-cm'+i);if(a){a.innerHTML='<iframe style="margin:-6px 0 0 -13px" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" height="20" src="[Like]&textColor=%23666666#'+likeurl+i+'" width="100"><\/iframe>'}}
- Search for ]]></b:skin> and paste this code before it
.like-cm{margin-top:15px;width:10px;height:10px;background:url( no-repeat}
- Save the template
If you have any problems in using this trick , kindly use the comment box below and type in your difficulty.We will be glad to help you out
it does not work