Tuesday, 5 November 2013

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How to automatically wish facebook friends on their birthdays ?

In today’s world friendship is maintained through facebook.You either make or break friendships on facebook.I would prefer making friendships rather than breaking them . I am sure even you would like to make new friends ! Wont you ? The most important day of anybody’s life is his / her birthday. He / She expects her friends to wish them and earn blessings from them. Wishing Happy Birthday through facebook creates a special bond with the particular person . Hence it becomes necessary to wish a HbD ! 

Many times you forget to post birthday wishes on the walls of your friends. No more worries from now. BrthdayFB is an  Facebook App that automatically posts birthday wishes on the walls of your Facebook friends. 

Advantage of using birthdayFB

There are many other apps like this one but the advantage of using birthdayFB is that it does not let your friends know that you are using a third-party tool to remember their birthdays.

Just follow 3 simple steps

  • Go to birthdayfb.com and click connect with facebook button.
  • birthdayFB asks for permission to access your data.Click on Allow.
  • After that you would see a list of upcoming birthdays.
  • Go into the Write Messages section  to compose your messages.
  • You can schedule a different time slot from the default one (which is 9am-11am). Go intoPreferences and tweak the settings.

    Thats it ! Open-mouthed smile Enjoy wishing your friends without even taking the hardship of typing !

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