Tuesday, 5 November 2013

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How TO Secure Your Computer

1. Always Update your all required software time to time.

2. Check / adjust all the important settings within week to make sure they are safe.

3. Use firewall settings like Zone Alarm.

4. Use good passwords: at least 13 marks long, containing both letters and numbers. Remember to chance your password every few months at least.

5. Get good Anti-virus & Spyware software's and keep it always updated.

6. Don’t open or execute files that you are not 100% sure about its safety, no matter where or how you get them.

7. Wipe your history files (like cookies, internet history and temporary files, etc.) logs and personal files, with specific wiping program (like Eraser) instead of just deleting them.

8. Use encryption to enhance your privacy. Use encrypted email (like Hush mail or Zip lip) and encrypt sensitive files on your computer (PGP).

9. Don’t use public computers for anything you need to type in your login, they usually have Trojan that are not good for your password protection

10. Don’t assume anything. If you don’t know, ask someone who knows there is nothing more dangerous than doing something you don’t really know anything about. That’s the best way to protect your computer.

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