Very recently HP had launched its 7-inch tablet Slate 7 with an impressive set of hardware configuration. Since the product is being out with 7-inch touchscreen along with very impressive specs and features, the device makes Google Nexus 7 as its close competitor, as it too delivers similar screen size along with Android Jelly Bean OS. The price when compared, results in only slight difference. So let us take a deep look into the specs and features of both these device and lets find out the apt device for you.
Design and Display
Both the tablets from HP and ASUS comes with a better unique designs. HP Slate 7 has a nice and thick rubberized back panel. The back panel of HP Slate 7 has a flat sides with beautiful bordering over the sides. Whereas Google Nexus 7 is not that bad as it too delivers a rubbery back with some spots.Operating System and Camera
Both these devices are running on the same Operating System which is none other than Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. Apart from the stock OS in HP Slate 7, the device also comes with various other features like eprint, which gives its user to print their desired documents very easily with a compatible HP printer. Nexus 7 running on Android 4.1 is completely upgradable to Android 4.2.1 Jelly Bean, but in case of HP Slate 7, they didn't gave any confirmation about upgrading.Processor and other Hardware Specifications
ASUS Google Nexus features a very impressive 1.2 GHz quad-core processor which is being powered by NVIDIA Tegra 3. The device also features high-end graphics support with GPU of ULP GeForce. In case of HP Slate 7, it has only a dual-core Cortex A9 processor clocking at 1.6 GHz which is far away from that of a quad-core NVDIA Tegra 3 powered in Nexus 7. In the field of memory Nexus 7 delivers internal storage of 16/32 GB along with a 1GB RAM for smooth performance. Whereas HP Slate 7 features 8GB internal storage with 1GB RAM. HP Slate 7 also delivers a microSD card that supports expandability upto 32GB, but this feature is not available for Nexus 7 as it does not comes with any card slot to accept microSD cards.Apart from these HP Slate 7 as well as Nexus 7 also features standard connectivity options like WiFi, Blutooth microUSB v2.0, DLNA and other common configurations. While Nexus 7 also features NFC for its connectivity which lacks in HP Slate 7.
HP Slate 7 is currently available for $169 and Nexus 7 is priced slightly higher at $200. Although HP Slate 7 is comparatively less price than Nexus 7, HP Slate 7 has a limited access in every field and buying a Nexus 7 will be rather more recommended as it comes out of the box with fast processor, extended connectivity options, better battery life and much more.For more tablet/smartphone comparisons with their best competitors, other gadget reviews, tech news and updates stay tuned with us.
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