What is social bookmarking? How does it help us to improve blog traffic? How to do social bookmarking? I think most of the bloggers are fed up with these kind of questions. Because last week as a part of improving my English writing skills, I refer many blogs and I have noticed that this topic being the most discussed on those blogs. So, today in this short article I'm going to explain what exactly social bookmarking is.
What Exactly Social Bookmarking Is?
You may see the bookmarking option in your web browser which helps us to store/save your favorite web pages. But suppose if your web browser gets crashed or computer gets formatted then all of your bookmarks will delete or lost and again you need to find those web pages.
So the social bookmarking sites comes out to solve this issue. In social bookmarking sites you can easily bookmark your favorite web pages and read them online from anywhere if you're connected with the internet.
How Does It Help Us To Improve Blog Traffic?
You can build high quality backlinks by bookmarking a webpage on social bookmarking sites. Which help to improve your blog traffic and pagerank.
How To Do Social Bookmarking?
There are more than 100+ social bookmarking sites in the internet. Stumpleupon is one of the most famous bookmarking site, so I'm going to show an example to do social bookmarking on Stumpleupon.
1. Go to Stumpleupon.com
2. Sign up or log in using Facebook.
3. Now at the top right side you can see a drop down button along with your username click on that and select "Add a page" option.
4. Now you need to fill a form with appropriate information about a web page which you're going to bookmark.
5. After filling the form click on "Add a Page".
6. Once you clicked on Add a Page.You're done!
Here is a list of some social bookmarking sites
- http://slashdot.org/
- http://digg.com/
- http://reddit.com/
- http://squidoo.com/
- http://delicious.com/
- http://technorati.com/
I hope you like this article about what is social bookmarking and how does it help to improve blog traffic. But remember don't submit a post link two or more times and do submission in a proper way. Otherwise your blog may face a potential SEO penalty.
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